About us


The secured future of Marble Hill House and Park as a valued community asset.


The Purpose of the Friends is to:

  • Connect the local community with English Heritage so that Marble Hill is valued and protected for the benefit of all users.
  • Provide a communication channel for users of Marble Hill independently of English Heritage.


The Friends – through the Committee – shall have power to:

  1. Engage, consult and involve the community by putting forward to English Heritage the Friends independent views on the planning, decision making and management of Marble Hill.
  2. Develop beneficial partnerships and foster good relationships with the Council, Marble Hill users and other relevant bodies
  3. Encourage people from all sections of the community to use, enjoy and organise public social activities in Marble Hill as agreed by English Heritage.
  4. Engage in, support and coordinate market / user research, publishing, education, advertising and other work for the furtherance of the above Purpose providing that no activities of a permanent trading nature shall be undertaken by the Friends.
  5. Raise funds to deliver the Purpose including organising events and other means for maintaining and improving Marble Hill and for projects jointly agreed with English Heritage.
  6. Purchase and or gift items and or give money to and for the benefit of Marble Hill.


At the AGM held on 16th September 2024 a revised Constitution was approved.
Click here to read the Constitution.

Honorary President

We are happy to announce Tracy Borman will continue in her role as our Honorary President.

Committee members 
Elected at the AGM held on 24th November 2022

Alexandra Kingston


Roger Hackett

Ordinary Members
Rachel Morrison
Terry Smith
Angela Sturgeon
Graham Williams (Membership Secretary)

Friends of Marble Hill GDPR and Privacy Notice

Click here to read this document.

Friends annual accounts

Click here to see the accounts covering the period 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 that were approved at the AGM held on Thursday 10th February 2022.

Click here for the Minutes of the November 2023 AGM.